Drones for Better Land Surveys

2 min readFeb 18, 2021

There’s a lot of hype around using drones for land surveying .

Much of it stems from the obvious efficiencies involved: a single survey drone can replace a human-led land surveying team, making quick work of their expensive and laborious labour. Others point to the safety element: some terrains are plainly dangerous for humans to survey on foot.

But while there’s obvious merit to the efficiency and safety arguments for using drones in land surveying , it’s the ability of these nimble ‘eyes in the sky’ to solve real business problems that we find most exciting.

Improving industries

Land surveying drones can be used across industries to improve the way things are done.

Take construction. Crossing a boundary line or deviating from a set of building plans can make or break a project. Drone survey accuracy is so on point — especially when ground control points are used — that compliant building plans can be drawn from the renderings. The drones can also monitor any build in real-time to identify mistakes before they become major, and to provide accurate progress reporting for budgetary and planning purposes.

Take oil and gas. Mapping the route for an oil/gas pipeline is an arduous task; the distances involved only compounding the challenge. Land survey drones have both the stamina and the requisite attention to detail to be able to map the optimal route. They can also be used to inspect the integrity of the pipeline once it becomes operational.

Take archaeology. Finding archaeological treasures is traditionally done by ‘fieldwalking’, which is exactly what it sounds like. The ultra-high-res images that drones afford their users, paired with machine learning software, allow archaeologists to spot chards of ancient pottery in a field without walking it.

It’s about more than just drones

Sure, drones are great. You don’t need to tell us.

But at Notam, we believe drones can only achieve extraordinary things once paired with an understanding of the challenges your business faces; then we can deliver the right drone, the right software, and the right advice.

Using drones can save you time and money, but they can also improve the way you do business.

To learn to survey better, visit Notam and speak to our team




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