Drones In Construction

3 min readFeb 23, 2019

Drone technology has endless applications and the construction industry is no exception. With the ever changing and growing technology and access to that technology has become more affordable, drone use will continue to surge.

Drones in Construction:

The use of drones in construction gives us the timeline of the entire project.

· 3D modelling and Actual BIM

· Site Modelling

· Geo Reference Surveys

· 4k Hight Resolution Inspection

· Site Planning

· Volume Calculations

· Construction Monitoring

· Live Tracking Of Assets

Drones makes construction easy for all departments.

Drone use helps to easily determine stock pile monitoring with the use of volumetric calculations to measure extraction areas, height and diameter and density to monitor inventory, to prevent theft and to plan deliveries and collections.

Drones for survey (Construction)

The use of drones in construction simplifies the workflow and many steps within an operation. Prior to the usage of UAVs in the industry, setting up ground points used to be time-consuming. Fewer ground points are used and can be reduced to zero.

Benefits of drone in construction

  • Easily map out large areas during a single flight
  • The use of drones in construction helps to gather consistent data that can be easily processed with accurate results.
  • With the use of ground control points the achievable horizontal accuracy is up to 1cm

Drone in construction help with:

  • Site safety inspections
  • Real time progress report

Before going on a construction site, an initial survey needs to be conducted. An Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle will do about 11 hectors of land in 15 minutes, while a conventional team will take longer than that.

  • Vehicle management, stockpile checks, even able to how efficiently the construction is going.

DTM= Detailed Terrain Model

Overlaying those DTMs and be able to see how quickly the operation is going.

How Can Drones Help Construction Companies.

Construction progression information

Drones map out what has been done, they’re able to measure volumetric on how much material has been used for a specific project and much material is left.

In Construction Progression Mapping & Construction

A Pragmatic Master report helps by showing the client every single week a permanent record of installation from sub-constructors, so that they get the real deal of what’s happening and how. Also get to see how much material is used, also know how much is needed and visualize what has been installed and what has not.

Market the development using drones , by collecting photos for investors. Also, could do so by showcasing the progressing of a certain building that could create a marketing piece for the construction company.

In conclusion , drone technology in construction helps with labour cuts, because with the use of this UAV in inspection you can easily identify unsafe areas. The introduction of drones in construction, is the foundation for delivering good results in volume calculation, terrain modelling and progress monitoring. For it is reported that drone generated survey data s comprehensive, which is an advantage for detailed 3d Modelling and related evaluations.

Getting Started with Pragmatic Master

Want to learn how Pragmatic Master can help your project? Visit www.pragmaticmaster.com and http://pragmaticinsight.co to request a consultation with one of our team members.




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