Survey Your Mine, From The Box.

2 min readFeb 18, 2021

There’s a reason box-tickets at the rugby or soccer stadium are so expensive; from the sky, your view of the game is better. You can see the strategies each team is using, all from the comfort of your chair.

It’s the same with using drones for mine surveying .

The rolling terrain of any mining operation makes it difficult to see the bigger picture when surveying on foot, or by vehicle. And it’s expensive by helicopter. These methods are time consuming and costly, the information gathered often riddled with inaccuracies.

Drones suffer none of these inefficiencies.

Better data, better mine

When using a drone for mining , you’ll have the following data at your fingertips:

● Accurate measurement of stockpiles,

● Detailed terrain mapping for road design and traffic optimisation,

● Estimates of production and project completion times,

● Risk assessment of potentially hazardous working conditions, and

● Precise project needs ahead of procuring equipment.

This data can be fed directly to head office without the involvement of staff at the mine. This frees up resources to focus on other important projects and gives management real-time access to critical information.

The result? Better decision-making and a safer, more successful, more profitable mine.

Perspective is everything

At Notam, we want you to see your mine like you’ve never seen it before.

Our advanced drone technology and analytics will give you that unique, enriched view from the sky, allowing you to easily make impactful, strategic decisions to the benefit of your mine and its stakeholders.

It’s like having those box-tickets, except you control the game.

To learn more about mining technology, visit Notam and speak to our team




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